Company Information

Welcome to the Company Info section at Telestar Shop Online. Here, you will find important details about our company:

  • Contact details
  • Legal information
  • Company history and values

Registered Name: Telestar S.r.l.

Registered Office: Via Novara 35 - 28010 Vaprio D'Agogna (NO) - Italy

PEC (Certified Email):

Tax Code: 01836150134

Company Register: 01836150134

R.E.A. (Business Register): NO 235271

VAT Number: 01836150134

Share Capital: € 208,000.00

The company is not a single-member company. 

The company is not in liquidation.

Telestar Srl is an Italian company established in 1989 and operating for over 35 years in the distribution of high-tech products and solutions for industrial automation and the achievement of Industry 4.0 goals

We are here to support you with any needs. For more details, contact us.