Chi siamo

telestar ingresso principale

About us

Welcome to the About Us section of Telestar Shop Online. Learn more about our company and the values that guide us:

  • Company history
  • Mission and vision
  • Quality products

More than 30 years of experience in the industry and excellent technical support make us a reliable partner in the industrial automation sector. Telestar is at the forefront of providing products and solutions for industrial automation. Over the years, Telestar has established strong partnerships with major manufacturing companies to become a point of reference in Italy. Thanks to a team of qualified and experienced personnel, it is passionately involved in the sale and support of products in the Italian market. The wide range of products, from single components to high-tech automation solutions, combined with qualified technical advice make Telestar a complete and reliable supplier, with constant attention to the needs of its customers.

Industrial automation solutions

Professionalism and precision are our watchwords. Telestar is part of a group consisting of 8 companies and over 500 employees, committed to finding the best performing industrial automation solutions to always offer the best to its loyal customers. The services and products we offer are:

Automation products and solutions from leading companies in their fields:
  • Encoder
  • PLC, HMI and Motion Control
  • Industrial PC and Software Embedded
  • Industrial Networking  
  • Components
Professional and qualified technical support

Product Managers and Product Specialists referenced and specialised in their fields for many years

Acknowledgements and Certifications

ISO9001 certified company guaranteeing quality in services and processes.

Our team

Our customers, whether manufacturing companies or system integrators, speak for us: satisfaction with every aspect of the service or purchase is an essential aspect that has set us apart for years.

Technician Teams: Product Manager, Product Specialist, Marketing and Purchase

Telestar's flagship teams, professionals who have grown up with the company, can accompany you in your search for the best purchase or solution for your system.

Our customer-care

A close-knit group always at your disposal, our customer service team brings dynamism and efficiency to the various stages of purchase. 

Explore our brands to find the products that best suit your needs. For more information, contact us.